Monday, September 22, 2008

Adventures Ahead!

The most dangerous prayer I've ever prayed..."Lord, here I am. Send me." This year has been a whirlwind and I've learned so much about God, who He is and His heart for my life. I've been wrapped up in God's love, grace and mercy and I just don't dare let go!

Below, I've included a snippet from my life story of how God took me on a wild journey that would bring me to the heart of Mumbai, India for the glory of His name and the proclamation of His good word! Feel free to check in here for updates, prayer requests and little glimpses into my life.

Much love to you,

A year ago, I resigned from my job to pursue other professional passions. I embarked with faith and expectation, but the 10 months which followed were incredibly arduous and wearisome. Though there were victories, much time was spent crying to God (and friends) about where my life was going. There were times where I had no words left, only tears, a gripping pain in my heart and desperation in my soul.

God used this season to refine me. He called out my obsession to plan. God had abundantly more for my life, yet my planning limited Him. My striving led to anxiety and disappointment. In His love, God gently said, "I am the I AM. Allow Me to lead you." Slowly, I learned to stop spinning my wheels and to patiently wait and listen. I also realized my struggle with fear and anxiety resulted from not fully trusting Him. He used various circumstances to prove the extent of His love and faithfulness to me. I became even more confident in His character and promises and am now able to live in reckless abandonment to Him.

All I experienced these 10 months brought me to one Friday evening when I was invited to meet with the pastors from a sister church in Mumbai. I already had plans to go to a weekly prayer meeting, so I disregarded the invite. However, my mentor wanted to go, so I tagged along with the intention of leaving early. I entered dinner as one who didn't deviate from routine, but as soon as the pastors started speaking, I became a captive listener unaware of time. As soon as Pastor Kevin described the rejection girls experience because of their gender, my heart hurt as I was overwhelmed by God's deep love for them. As the time passed, I felt God say, "Listen to Me. Are you ready? Then go."

These past months changed me and brought me to a place where I could hear and respond to God's desires. From November through January, I will be serving Pastor Kevin and Lynette of Every Nation Mumbai in evangelism, small groups, campus ministry, leadership training and one-to-one mentoring. My hope is that God would use me to bring His precious, life-giving Kingdom to Mumbai and that His people would know that God Almighty is head-over-heels in love with them. What a privilege and joy it is to walk with the Lord while sharing His truth, hope and life with others!


eneo said...

Yeah! I like the fact that you have one of my favorite verses as your profile quote!! ;) Remember us printing and cutting them? Love you girl so much!

Unknown said...

thanks for allowing me to support you. it's a blessing to be a part of something so great as this! I'm so excited for you, you have no idea! =) see you on Sunday. GOD bless you!